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Extended information regarding the use of cookies

Cookies are small text files sent to the user by the visited website and are stored on the computer's hard disk, thus allowing the website to recognize users and store certain information about them, in order to allow or improve the service offered. There are different types of cookies, some are necessary to browse the site, others have different purposes such as ensuring internal security, administer the system, perform statistical analysis, understand which sections of the site that most affect users or offer a personalized visit of the same. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but the user can normally change the settings to disable this function. It is possible to block all types of cookies, or accept to receive only some and disable others. The "Options" or "Preferences" section in the browser menu allows you to avoid receiving cookies and other user tracking technologies, and how to get notification from the browser of the activation of these technologies. Alternatively, you can also consult the "Help" section of the toolbar in most browsers. Please also note that disabling cookies or navigation functional ones may cause the site to malfunction.

Types of cookies used:

First-party cookies:

First-party cookies (cookies that belong to the publisher's site that created them) are set by the website visited by the user, whose address appears in the URL window. The use of these cookies allows us to make the site work efficiently and to track visitor behavior patterns.

Third party cookies:

Third-party cookies are set by a different domain than the one visited by the user. If a user visits a site and a different company sends the information using that site, it is in the presence of third-party cookies.

Session cookies:

'Session cookies' are stored temporarily and are deleted when the user closes the browser. If the user registers to the site, he / she may use cookies that collect personal data in order to identify the user during subsequent visits and to facilitate access - login to the Website (for example, keeping the username and password of the user) and browsing the same. Cookies are also used for system administration purposes. The site may contain links to other sites and you have no access or control over cookies, web bacons and other tracking technologies used on third party sites that the user can access from the site, on availability, on any content and material that is published or obtained through such sites and on the relative modalities of personal data processing; in this regard, considering the amount of such third-party websites, expressly disclaims any related liability. The user should check the privacy policy of third party sites accessed from the site to know the conditions applicable to the processing of personal data as the Privacy Policy of this site applies only to the site as defined above.

Persistent cookies:

Persistent cookies are stored on users' device between browser sessions, allowing to remember user preferences or actions in a site. They can be used for different purposes, for example to remember preferences and choices when using the Site.

Essential cookies:

These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the site. Without the use of such cookies some parts of the site will not work. They include, for example, cookies that allow access to protected areas of the Site. These cookies do not collect information for marketing purposes and can not be deactivated.

Functional cookies:

These cookies are used to recognize a user who returns to visit the site. Allow you to customize content and remember preferences (for example, the selected language or region). These cookies do not collect information that can identify you. All information collected is anonymous.

Social Networks sharing cookies:

These cookies facilitate the sharing of site content through social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. To view the respective privacy and cookies policies you can visit the websites of social networks. In the case of Facebook and Twitter, for example, the user can visit https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies and https://twitter.com/privacy. Specifically, the following is a list of the main cookies used on the site.

With respect to these cookies sent by service providers of the aforementioned third parties, SIGMAL2 Paolo Granchi srl does not have the possibility to exercise any control and does not know its characteristics or purposes.

Below are the links to the information on third-party cookies: